House to House
House to House began in 1994 with the idea of having churches of Christ throughout the world cooperating to seek and save the lost through direct mail. HTH is a bi-monthly publication that has grown to a circulation of nearly 3 million. It is distributed by over 1,100 congregations in 48 states and 8 foreign countries, and has been translated into four different…
East Side Youth Group
WHAT IS THE D.O.V.E.S. MINISTRY? The DOVES is a group of ladies that choose a widow, widower or single senior citizen member to call, visit, send cards to in order to build a relationship with them and offer love and support to them.
Lads 2 Leaders
Digging Deep
Digging Deep in God’s Word is a Bible study for women by women. 2019-2020 Digging Deep Study Here is how it works: Every first day of every month beginning now, a new portion of the study will appear on the Digging Deep in God’s Word Facebook page. That’s the place to find a concise copy of the current month’s study and the place to discuss the dig with others all over…
Community & Benevolence
World Bible School
Each week a group of our members work diligently to send out new Bible lessons and receive/grade/return Bible lessons from several foreign countries. WBS is one of the most proven, cost-effective means of equipping Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. The ministry has taught millions of truth-seekers by mobilizing tens of thousands of everyday, volunteer…