Digging Deep in God’s Word is a Bible study for women by women.
Here is how it works:
- Every first day of every month beginning now, a new portion of the study will appear on the Digging Deep in God’s Word Facebook page. That’s the place to find a concise copy of the current month’s study and the place to discuss the dig with others all over the world. Go there and see the discussion already happening!
- Be sure and join the Digging Deep for Encouragement Facebook group as well. That’s the place for any prayer requests that are unrelated to the study.
- Try your best to pace yourself throughout the month so that you can finish each month’s study by month’s end.
- Keep your notes digitally or get the Digging Deep workbook. Either works fine. You just need someplace for notes!
- Near the end of each month, there will be a live podcast discussing the month’s study. You will be able to type in your comments and questions in this chatroom and we will discuss them together.